Design, develop and implement software
ITB has been on the market developing standard software since 1996. With meanwhile 75 employees we design, develop and implement standard software in the field of product information management, internet shop and EDI.
With four locations in four countries, we are also close to our customers. Our strategy is to develop standard software and introduce it to our customers with defined processes.

Frank Quinders
Born in 1967, studied physics at the Gerhard Mercator University of Duisburg after training as a physics laboratory assistant at the Krupp company. Today, as managing partner of ITB-GmbH, the graduate physicist is responsible for the areas of sales, corporate orientation and human resources.

Yves Meyer
Trained as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant with higher specialist training in business. Yves Meyer has worked in purchasing and eBusiness, among other things. Today he is the CEO of ITB-Swiss AG and a member of the Board of Directors.

Markus Prediger
Born in 1983, trained IT specialist in application development, has been with ITB-GmbH since he started his training in 2003. Today, as Managing Director, he is primarily responsible for the IT, implementation, development and print departments and as a trainer (in accordance with AEVO) for the ITB trainees.