MeDaPro Info System
The MeDaPro online portal is designed as an intranet solution and displays various scenarios in the company for work by browser with the MeDaPro data with optional CMS.

The article representation is done as usual on the variation group level or alternatively as single articles. Up to now, the concentration in the table was on the article numbers, the table attributes and the prices. Now a much more comprehensive insight into the MeDaPro data is possible. With the selection of an article, the corresponding alternative article numbers, the global attributes, the media assets as well as (when using the MDM module) the existing ERP sections are displayed.
After-Search Navigation and Filters
A zip archive can be created and downloaded from the maintained mediaassets, and all images can even be watermarked. With the result of the first search, a "funnel" opens, as the user is already familiar with from online stores: It is possible to filter via the displayed category tree in the same way as via the integrated after-search navigation ("ASN"). This provides all the attributes of the articles found as additional filter features. Once the user has reached the desired product, he or she can not only view all variants of the article, but also generate a printout or save a PDF of the printout.

Feedback function and article display
If discrepancies in the data are noticed, a feedback button is also available on each article. With this button the user can easily send a message to the data maintenance team about the article. The MeDaPro Info System has been developed for all employees in your company to work with MeDaPro data. To find articles, a comfortable search (including Suggest, ASN and full text) has been integrated into the browser-based MeDaPro Info System. The article display is either as a variation group or alternatively as a single article with all data stored in MeDaPro. Further functions include media download, print output and the display of referenced articles.
Solution Example
Translate product data quickly
Marketing Manager Gladys Carver: Miller Ltd. sells its numerous products not only in the German-speaking area, but also overseas and the Far East. Manually translating all data is not possible for us for capacity reasons. We would like to work together with a translation office, or can access text modules for smaller texts.