A small selection of already implemented TradePro Internet stores.
TradePro Analyse
Visitor analysis for the webshop with TradePro Etracker. With TradePro Etracker you get more out of your webshop. By integrating the well-known web statistics tool in TradePro, TradePro CMS and TradePro newsletter, you optimize your marketing precisely.

Find out what your customers watch, which search terms they use and where they come from - of course within the statutory privacy policy. TradePro Etracker is available with basic or with advanced functions. Among the basic functions you can inspect search terms, click paths, revisits, residence time - and visitor live tracking is available. You can measure all of the relvant content making up the Web 2.0 indicators.
Among the advanced functions there are tools to assemble a click heatmap and do full campaign management. Capture of data from mobile devices is including live tracking and the identification of the cellphone manufacturer.
The advantages:
- detail evaluation of clicks and click traces up to the detail page
- statistics on user origin incl. search engines and search terms
- return and dwell time analysis
- campaign success control (advanced)
- geo-analyses at region level (advanced)
Solution Example
Customer has many cost centers and wishes Budget Control
The Miller Ltd. sets up access for Mr Meyer, which has the rights to the user system and administration. Mr. Meyer can now act now all the purchasing employees with a user account, assign them one or more cost centers and set budgets for different periods. If the budget is exceeded, the order will be sent to the release to Mr. Meyer. The cost center information is carried at the entire order processing. This facilitates the processes on both sides.