Product-Information-Management +49 2842 92737-0

Solutions for Purchasing

Henry White is head of purchasing at Industrial Ltd. and manages the cost centers of several departments.

Sample solution: Customer has many cost centers

Starting position

Miller Ltd. has a large customer, the ABC Ltd.. The local purchasing manager Mr. Meyer is responsible for 8 departments. There are some few employees who do shopping in the shop of Miller Ltd.. Previously the Miller Ltd. was called to change cost centers or added these to the orders manually. This is very complicated and error-prone and should be improved. In addition, ABC wants to be able to better supervise the budgets of the employees.


The Miller Ltd. sets up a shop access for Mr. Meyer, who has the rights to the user system and administration. Mr. Meyer can now create user accounts for all purchasing employees, assign one or more cost centers to them and set budgets for different periods of time. If a budget is exceeded, the current and subsequent orders will be sent to Mr. Meyer for approval/release. The cost center information is kept same in the entire order processing. This facilitates processes on both sides.

Products used

  • Product Information Management System: MeDaPro
  • internet shop: TradePro
  • Eprocurement functionalities for your customers: TradePro Eprocurement
  • Connection to the merchandise industry, exchange electronic business documents: ConnectPro

Sample solution: Live catalogs on Simple System

Starting position

Henry White, the purchasing manager at Industrial Ltd., would like to shop at Miller Ltd. electronically. Like other suppliers, Miller should make its catalog available on the "Simple System" platform. It is important for Mr. White that Miller only displays the negotiated articles and prices as of the master agreement, and that an order is also delivered with the Smith order number in order to simplify the allocation of the delivery lateron.


Miller Ltd. uses the Multichannel Connector in addition to MeDaPro & Co. to make all interfaces available to the outside world. In this way, Simple System can not only display Miller's catalog data and filter the articles for the specific industrial company, but also display them live in the desired structure and with the prices from the agreed framework agreement. Industrial Ltd. gives the order number to the Multichannel Connector via Simple System, which returns it to Miller's ERP with the help of ConnectPro. If desired, it can be printed on order confirmations and delivery notes.

Products used

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