Product-Information-Management +49 2842 92737-0

Sample solution: PIM for medium-sized businesses

Starting position

Miller Ltd. is a technical trade company and has 120 employees. The company has some ERP system. There, master data such as article numbers and prices are kept. All product images and the technical details are scattered in the company - depending on the production area, they are locally managed by individual stakeholders.

The paper catalog of the Miller Ltd. is generated manually by an externally hosted graphic designer every year. To ensure that all data is up-to-date and correctly represented in the catalog, up to four manual correction runs must be performed. A big customer recently requested a catalog in the BMEcat format - the managing director does not even know if his IT employees can realize that besides their daily work.


Miller Ltd. uses a central product information management system. All data that is to be available later as information for customers is maintained there. By a link to the ERP all master data can be accommodated instantly in the system and does not have to be maintained twice.

Various export options enable the automated edition of a daily updated catalog - be it a paper catalog, a BMEcat or a shop on the Internet. Also pictures and documents are linked to the product information management system and loaded live from the database for each publication.

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